Organic Anarchy

Article published at: Oct 7, 2020
Organic Anarchy, Aci Urbajs, Styria Slovenia
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Hey Urbaj
Rifnik, Styria, Slovenia

organic anarchy

Legendary Aci Urbajs makes rare wines on his tiny vineyard (3 hectares) in Styria, Slovenia. Its grapes follow the highest biodynamic standards and the cosmic cycle, Urbajs leaves everything to nature. His focus is to capture the essence and spiritual core of his vineyards in the wines.

Urbajs is a radical winemaker, which is if you call complete surrender to nature radical. He believes that wines are not made by winemakers, but by nature. His small vineyard is an idyllic cacophony of vines, fruit trees, plants and animals, descending into the valley below his house on a steep slope.

Urbajs' wines are unique and cannot be found in many places because he makes a very limited number of bottles of each wine. The grape varieties that Urbajs grows are Laški Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot gris, Kerner, Pinot noir and Blaufränkisch.

Below you will find Organic Anarchy's unique and special range:
Sivi pinot
Radicall 0